Thursday, June 12, 2008

Workout Schedule and Plans

This was my workout schedule for earlier this week and today:

Sunday: C25K Week 6 Day 3 (25-27 minute jog...approximately 2 or 2 1/2 miles)
Monday: pilates 4-5pm; power yoga 6-7pm
Tuesday: C25K Week 7 Day 1 (another 25 minute jog...approximately 2.15 miles)
Wednesday pilates 4-5pm; power yoga 5-6pm
Today (Thursday): yoga 5-6pm

I'm hoping the weather is nice tomorrow so I can complete Week 7 Day 2 (25 minute jog) at the Huntsville State Park with Andrew and Adrienne. That's where I completed my Sunday run, and I really enjoyed it. I managed to keep my usual steady pace, increase on the last minute, and even continue for a minute or so more at that increased pace before I decided I should probably move into my cool down walk and not push myself too far. In reality it was more like a 26 or 27 minute jog which is great because week 8 will be 28 minute runs...and if I could almost do it on Sunday, I feel confident that I will be able to this next week.

In regards to the state park, we are likely going to purchase a pass tomorrow. At 4 dollars a person for the daily entrance fee, that can really add up, especially if we make a point to keep jogging there regularly. On the bright side, apparently once we have a pass anyone in the car with us gets in free too...which will make that 60 dollars well spent in not too long a time.

Anyway, more tomorrow when I (hopefully) have the chance to go running. Here's to hoping any rain on the way comes tomorrow night after running the trails!


Adrienne Langelier, MA said...

Yay! Isn't blogging fun! Does the image look familiar?

Karen said...

LOL-yes and yes. :-P :-)