Sunday, June 22, 2008

Change of Plans

So I have pretty much quit the couch to 5k plan in favor of the run/walk longer distance plan I have been abiding by more and more lately. I plan to try this out for a while and see how it goes. I stopped following it closely after week 7 day 2. All I had left was one day of 25 minutes straight followed by 3 days of 28 minutes and 3 days of 30 minutes. The problem is this plan is designed for me to do that certain number of minutes and then be done...but I really enjoy the longer route at the park. There's no way I can finish the entire thing in 30 minutes, so I figure my compromise of pushing myself to go farther but with more walking to take the distance is building my endurance up more. Besides, I want to move beyond running only a straight 30 minutes and perhaps this way I can do it more efficiently...or at least make it more enjoyable.

We went out to the Huntsville State Park today which is quickly becoming a Sunday tradition. The first part of the route I ran completely in about 15 minutes (I think the distance is about a mile and a half) followed by run/walking the rest. Once again I brought along my ipod for those moments when I needed a little extra motivation. I only almost fell about three times today. No armadillos on the trails but plenty of bikers and a few hikers. Following the run I drank my 12 oz. powerade as usual. That's pretty much the extent of the run this morning. Andrew and I plan to go again tomorrow. After all, what better way to celebrate a year of marriage than running together? lol

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