Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Avenues

We went running tonight with other Seven Hills Running members in commemoration of Ken's 2,000th day of his streak. It was the first time I had ever done the avenues route. I knew to expect hills since, after all, we are in Huntsville. Also, Andrew had run the route before and told me about it. It was definitely a challenge, especially tackling Avenue O.

I managed to bring up the rear as the caboose, jogging most of the 5k with walking spats here and there. I don't mind being the last person except I worry that I am slowing everyone else down. I can't wait for when my endurance level is built up a bit more and I can run longer and at a better pace. That's my goal. I guess my more concrete goal though is to be able to race a 5k by September. That gives me enough time to train, right? This week is my 8th week running.

I did end up walking earlier than I would have liked when I got a side stitch on my right side. Unfortunately trying to keep running and ignore it did not work very well, but at least it did go away eventually. I would have hated it if it had stuck with me for the rest of the run.

Overall, it was a fun run and it was great meeting more club members tonight. I look forward to other Seven Hills events. And the spaghetti dinner was very nice too. :-)

Also, I went to pilates from 4-5 today but skipped out on power yoga since I was going running. I was not sure my body would allow me to do two classes back to back followed by an hour rest and then a 5k. I decided not to find out.

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