Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Armadillos and Horseflies Sanctuary (AKA Huntsville State Park)

As usual I saw an armadillo on the trail today. Oh, and I had to run away from a horsefly. Those things are great little coaches- if I feel like slowing down and one of them is around, I force myself to keep going while simultaneously trying to swat at it. Sort of a full body workout. :-P And actually, the armadillos are useful too...great for testing your reaction time and startle response. What more could you want in a run?

I wasn't sure we would be running at the park considering the rain that has been on and off all day. Luckily it stayed dry for the entire hour of the run. While it was quite humid from the rain, the temperature was really nice.

I left my ipod in the trunk since I did not want to risk it getting wet if it did start to rain while on the trail. I am slowly weaning myself off my dependence on it...I concentrated on my breathing when it got tough instead.

I also pushed myself a little harder on this run. I ran the first mile and a half as usual and then started my walks...but they were fewer and farther between. Yay for improvements!

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