Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Huntsville State Park

Hans, John, Curtis, Ken, Andrew, and I ran the trails yesterday (about 4.5 miles). We completed it in under an hour. The bottom of my feet (my arches) were hurting by the end...I'm guessing because of pushing myself for yesterday's long run and then running again today along with breaking in new running shoes.

Today I am giving my feet a running break. We may run tomorrow's suggested 4:30pm 7 mile run at the trails...depends on my feet.

And my shoes remain a little white, lol.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Today's Run at the State Park

Ran about 8 or 9 miles today at the park starting at 1pm. Marisa and I ran together with Hans and Chris catching up to us at the road (we had passed Amy's Crossing to continue on...and they had added on an extra two miles which is why they were behind us). Andrew went straight instead of turning in towards the dam then took the service road to the dam and back out again, and I have no idea what Phillip and Norman ran or Ken. Basically today was one of those days where we all ran the route...they just happened to vary between individuals or small groups. :-P

I saw Andrew when he came in via the service road to the dam and then as a quickly fading red dot, lol. He's trying to push himself, walking less and increasing his distance.

The weather was in the upper 40s or low 50s think...I wore the gardening gloves Phil gave me, earmuffs, a beanie, a long sleeve tech shirt, a t-shirt, and pants. Early on I took off the beanie and earmuffs (got too hot within the first few miles) and I took off the gloves a little after that only to put them back on for the last mile or two. I really need to figure out how to dress for this weather...

Oh, and I wore my new shoes today. They are slightly dusty but the white parts are still practically blinding. I figure if I run at Pritchett anytime soon though, that will change quickly. Good old red dirt. :-P

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Valentine's Weekend Plans

Andrew and I signed up for the 25K for the 14th annual East Texas Ultra Runners 25/50K held at Tyler State Park. This will be our second 25K (our first being Rocky Raccoon in November). We plan to camp at the park the night before and the night after...hopefully the weather won't be too miserable. Andrew was all for driving in that morning, but if the race starts at 7am, I do not want to be leaving Huntsville in the wee hours of the morning and then attempting to run a 25K.

I would like to beat my previous time at Rocky (3:22:49) or at least be under 3:30:00. Then after the race, Andrew and I can drive in to Tyler to wander around or something...*shrug*. At the very least we won't have to worry about trying to get back to Huntsville quite yet.

We are also considering running one of the races on The Seabrook Lucky Trails Marathon Weekend. It's the last weekend of our spring break. After completing two 25Ks, the half marathon wouldn't be so bad...right? They have a neat thing they call the Pelican Challenge where you can run a half marathon on Saturday and another on Sunday and get a 10 dollar discount for signing up and an extra medal. It sounds intriguing...if only I could be certain my legs would move the next day! :-P

Oh...and today I got new shoes!!!!!!!!!!! :-D Yay! Perhaps I'll post a picture later when they aren't so new and shiny...:-P.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Short and Sweet

Andrew and I ran the City Hills on Wednesday and 6 or 7 miles at the park on Monday. Yesterday afternoon Andrew went running on his own because I was not home yet. And that is pretty much it in regards to running....for now. :-P

Oh, and to make it sweet...cupcake! ;-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Over a Month Later...

And a month later...err, over a month later...

Andrew and i ran the City Hills route Monday and Wednesday with our fellow renegades. I tried to push myself on the hills yesterday and on the downhills. Our running this past month has been existent but random and spotty unfortunately. But hey, we were with family for about 8 days in a week and a half, then another day with some friends, and another 3 or 4 days in San Antonio with more family. It's amazing we ran at all. :-P

I think Andrew really has his heart set on participating in the 25k or 50k run in Tyler on February 14th. I will most definitely run the 25k if we do. I don't feel confident that I could finish the 50k considering how lax my running schedule has been. However, if I make a point to get back to running consistently, then the 25k should be fine.

Anyway, I'll write more sooner rather than later hopefully...all for now.