Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Running After the Rain

Hans, Chris, Marisa, John, Phillip, Andrew, and I ran the usual route. The temperature was nice and the humidity actually didn't bother me that much. It had to have been fairly high though since it was raining a good portion of today. In fact, I was worried we might run because of it.

I almost did not run for another reason which was this afternoon I was so exhausted. I took probably a 20 or 30 minute nap until around 5:20pm. I knew I could not sleep any longer if I wanted to run, but if I had not taken the nap, I still might not have ran.

While running the trails, I stretched out my pace again, really lengthening my stride. I walking more as a result, but that's okay for now. It felt good to keep up and just be running. There was the extra challenge of mud and puddles, so I had to be more careful. I did not even think about running the bridge since it was glistening from all the rain water.

Near the end we actually saw a hog dart off through the trees. I guess we spooked it. I didn't see much of it, and it was more of a dark shape briefly in my field of vision than anything I could identify. I thought it was a deer at first.

Basically today was a good run, and I plan to run again on Thursday, weather and other circumstances permitting.

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