Thursday, August 14, 2008

Changing My Stride

Hans, Chris, Phillip, Marisa, and I ran at the park at 6pm. Andrew stayed home since he is still sick. He's hoping to be recovered by tomorrow since we are camping at the park Friday to Sunday. Because we are camping, we may or may not make the run on Sunday. However, I'll try to post where we are if any of you Sunday runners want to stop by and say hi.

The group we are camping with are college friends of ours. In fact, we were in one couple's wedding a few years ago. Normally we try to make one big camping trip during the summer to somewhere further away, but what with all that was going on we decided on a shorter and closer trip. At any rate, it's still camping and a chance to hang out.

The run today was hot and humid as usual. I kept up fairly well this time by lengthening my stride. I could feel the difference from my usual pace. I'm hoping that if I can keep this up, eventually it will get easier and I will be able to maintain that pace for a longer duration. No horseflies, armadillos, or deer were in sight or hearing. I guess it was too hot for them...

Oh, and thanks to Marisa and a stick she stepped on, I have a scratch behind my right knee and a mark on my left calf. We were walking next to each other when I hear this loud snap and feel a twinge of pain on my legs. Apparently even walking on the trails is brutal! :-P :-)

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