Thursday, August 7, 2008


John, Hans, Phillip, Marisa, Andrew, and I ran the renegade route at the park. Curtis ran too, but I am not sure what he ran. It was hot and humid as always. There was some debris on the trails, but it was not as bad as Marisa's course yesterday. I'm not sure if that is because it just was not as bad or someone came through and cleaned it up a little. It was not too bad a run for the most part.

Unfortunately, I think I either need bigger shoes, thinner socks, trail shoes, or callused toes. After the run today I took off my shoes and noticed I had a blister on the end of both second toes. I had noticed my toes felt like they had been rubbing the end of the shoe lately. I have what Andrew calls monkey toes which means my toes are long and the second toes are the longest. However, I haven't had a problem until recently, and I am wondering if the thicker socks I am using are partly to blame.

I'm going to try running Sunday with my older thinner socks and see if that makes a difference. I hope it does because I don't really have enough mileage on my shoes to justify a change yet. Although really I would love to get some trail shoes so that I could run in them at the park and use these for the roads. Oh well- as one of my old teachers used to say, "If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride." For now that will have to remain a wish because shoes are just too expensive.

My wish list has changed to include either the Garmin forerunner 205 or 305. I'm torn between these two models because while the 205 includes distance liked I wanted, it does not include a heart rate monitor function. The heart rate monitor aspect is why I started looking at these gadgets in the first place, so it seems silly to get something without it. However, the Garmin 205 looks to be about $140 while the 305 is around $200. That's a lot of money. Regardless, it's not something I have to decide on immediately since I have to wait to be able to afford either of them.

My parents are coming into town this weekend to visit us and my brother and to celebrate the myriad of special dates this month. My mom, dad, and brother all have their birthdays this month, my parent's anniversary is this month, and I am the oddball born in October. Andrew and I still plan to go running Sunday morning, and we may talk them into coming out to the park with us and walking or biking while we run. Otherwise, they might just lounge at our apartment until we get back. I guess I'll see what happens then.

1 comment:

Curtis said...

Hey, if you just want a watch that does heart rate monitoring along with other athletic watch functions you can buy one for 19.99 at today. It doesn't have GPS but I figure that I already know the distances at HSP and can kind of figure out an approximation on new trails.