Thursday, August 14, 2008

Large Update

Below is some short blurbs of what exercise I have done lately interspersed with other news.

My parents came into town this weekend, and we all went out to eat at Babin's Seafood House to celebrate my mom, dad, and brother's birthdays as well as my parents anniversaries (yep, all this month). We left them roaming around Huntsville while Andrew and I went running Sunday morning. It ended up being a little over 6 miles I think. It was a bad run for me. I was not keeping up as much as a I would have liked and actually felt a little lightheaded at one point.

The thinner socks seemed to help, but I am not sure if that is simply because I was not running as hard on Sunday. I'm going to try it a few more times before deciding that was the problem.

I also got two new gray workout shirts at Academy. They were under armour and on sale for 10 dollars. My brother and Andrew were irritated because apparently the guy's section never has sales like that.

On Monday I went shopping with Becky and her mother-in-law. We went to the outlet mall in Tomball and got in about 5 hours of walking. Later that evening Becky and I went walking around her neighborhood for an additional hour.

Tuesday's workout consisted of leisurely riding my exercise bike for an hour on two separate occasions while watching Heroes. Andrew started coming down with a chest cold earlier in the day and a fever by that evening which is why we didn't go running.

Yesterday I left the house to walk to Pritchett. I ran a mile, then walked a lap, ran a lap, walked a lap, ran a 2nd lap, walked a lap, ran a 3rd lap, walked a lap, ran a 4th lap, walked a lap, then walked home. My headphones died out about halfway through this. I had noticed when I left the apartment the cord had some chew marks on it and they would only play out of one ear...then not at all. I think Sunshine played with them when I wasn't looking.

Anyway, those are the main highlights...for now. More later.

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