Monday, July 14, 2008

I Can Do This!

Katie and I went running on the HKC's indoor track today. The plan had originally been to run at Pritchett, or if it was too muddy to run one of the 5k courses, but the rain forced us indoors. I'm not sure exactly what Katie's workout consisted of (she varied it from mine) but I basically ran 3 miles with walking breaks in between. Below is a break down of my workout.

400 meter warm up walk
1 mile: ran between my relaxed and my pushing it pace (time: 10:58)
400 meter walk
1 mile: relaxed run 400 meters, pushing it for 400 meters, repeat (time: 11:09)
400 meter walk
1 mile: relaxed run 200 meters, push it for 200 meters, repeat (time: 11:19)
400 meter cool down walk

I seemed to be running a pretty consistent mile time for each. I'm hoping that eventually I can repeat this workout and see an improvement. At any rate, it's a decent start.

I told Andrew earlier how amazing it is to be able to say I ran three miles...and not only that, but also not be falling down exhausted. I can do it. My body knows I can do it-but my's still working on understanding this. I guess I just need to reflect on Adrienne's blog title thing a bit more, lol. The thing about running being a mind game is so true. I find that once I get going it's not so bad and it's even better if I can just forget what my legs are doing except for the occasional posture check. I'm excited about getting to the point where I can run faster and longer. I can do this!

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