Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Since November 7th: The Highlights

In no particular order, here are some of the highlights of my running since November 7th:

-ran for the first and second time ever through snow (brrr...)
-saw a turkey in a neighborhood twice (a female turkey; it was after the Thanksgiving break)
-ran by one of the playa lakes and saw a blue heron scoop up a large goldfish
-ran with John and Hans at Huntsville State Park during our Thanksgiving break
-ran with a friend before and during the Carol of Lights at Texas Tech
-ran on one of Houston's hike and bike trails near Andrew's parent's house and saw three nutria rats on the other side of the Bayou
-kept running despite the holidays (always a challenge)
-got new winter running gear (tights and 1/4 zip top, both coldgear underarmour)
-found out my good friend and running partner is moving back to Spring in the next week and a half (boo)
-signed up for Loop the Lake (a 2 or 5 mile run hosted by the West Texas Running Club January 9th at 10am; I'm running the 5 mile route)

More later! :-D

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