Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Wow I am behind on posting...definitely a sign of my schedule! *sigh* Well, here's an update...err, several updates...

Andrew and I ran the 25K for Rocky Raccoon. I finished at around 3 hours and 25 minutes or so. I did walk up the hills and run everything else when I could, and I had enough energy to do that throughout the entire race and even sprint the last 200 yards or so. I do not know my official time since I am not sure where to look for that information. Andrew finished at least 5 minutes ahead of me. He had kept me company for all but the last few miles past the final aid station.

My two main goals were to finish (running and walking dispersed throughout, not walk in the last few miles) and to not be last, both of which I achieved. Yay!

We were fairly sore, but not absolutely miserable. However, we were supreme bums and did not run again until yesterday...and that was about 3 miles at Pritchett. As the semester draws closer to the end, it becomes more of a struggle to properly fit in anything consistently.

I do not think we will be doing a marathon anytime soon (or at least not me), but I am up for a half marathon sometime. If I can make it 15.5, I think 13.1 is possible.


Streaker said...

Contratulations on your first 25K! The official results are on the Seven Hills Running Club web site at http://7hills.us/latestnews.htm

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your finish!